Blog Post 11/21
Hello! Today’s blog post is all about Cyber Monday. The first Monday after Thanksgiving, online retailers put their merchandise on sale. Piggybacking off Black Friday, it has become just as big of a sales day as the day after Thanksgiving.
This year, especially since I have a new book coming out on the 30th, I decided to run a Kindle Countdown Deal for Jack and Crush. With it being enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited Program, I can only put it on sale once every ninety days. For this countdown, it begins with a very deep discount and then the price goes up every 24 hours. On Monday the 26th, Jack and Crush will be 76% off at a price of .99. It starts at 6 AM EST on Amazon.com and 11 AM UTC on Amazon.co.uk. The price structure is different for the UK, each sale running for 36 hours instead.
If you’ve already bought Jack and Crush for yourself, first off, thank you. Second, you can purchase it as a gift and email a download code to the recipient.
It’s pretty easy to do. I’m even going to drop the price of the paperback, in case you’d rather have it shipped to someone. And don’t forget to leave a review! That’s the easiest way to help me get my books noticed because the more reviews a book has, the more Amazon shows it to potential buyers.
I hope everyone in America enjoys their holiday, whether it’s filled with the family you were born with or the family you chose.
The first link is for Amazon.com, the second is for Amazon.co.uk.
This is so kind of you Lara. I have read Jack and Crush. It’s an amazing story. Happy Holiday to you and your family.
Thank you, I hope it can be crossed off Christmas lists!