Blog Post 2/19
I have to say, I was very nervous about making Jack and Crush free. It’s hard to give away something you worked so hard on, but in the end I hope it brings in new readers. And it rose in the Amazon ranks to number sixteen in Military Romance for a short while. That was exciting to see.
Since I labeled this Talk to Me Tuesday, I thought I would tell you some things about me and you can tell me how alike we are.
I have 3 cats
I have 2 dogs
I have 3 kids
I can’t function without coffee, but I also love tea.
Other than writing and reading, I love to make things. I don’t have as much time for it anymore, but I enjoy crafting and sewing.
I write on the couch with my laptop. My husband bought me an amazing desk chair, but it sits at the dining room table because I don’t have a desk. I try to sit there more often but I get so comfy on the couch that I don’t want to get up.
Now it’s your turn to tell me about yourself. Pets? Kids? Coffee or tea? Hobbies? I’d love to hear about all of them.

Don’t forget!
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Right now it’s Grant (Thoroughly Educated: Book Two)
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Follow my author page on Amazon or find me on Facebook for up-to-date information about my published works.
I do have a desk but my chair is not comfortable. So I end up on the couch lol. I have a dog and two boys lol.
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