Blog Post 8/27


Hi, everyone! Have you sent your kids off to school yet? Are you ready for cooler weather? Hopefully, it’s just around the corner.

If you aren’t reading my Seismic Shift serial, why not? 😉 The second book is coming out this Friday, the 30th. The third book will be out on 9/13, and the final book will be live on 9/27. I haven’t shown anyone the cover of the fourth book yet, but I bet I can trust you to keep the secret. Below you’ll find the blurb for book two and the covers for all four.

The next thing I’m working on for October is turning my very first published book into a series. Jack and Crush is very special to me, being my first, and I want to expand their universe. The other books in the series will follow new couples, but it will take place in the little town of Abbott, Texas, and each couple will give each other nicknames like Lillie and Fletcher did in Jack and Crush. One character from each book will work in the bar run by Lillie, so the series title will be The Carter’s Bar Series. Lillie and Fletcher and all the supporting characters will appear in each book, as well. I’ve decided to publish the second book on the anniversary of Jack and Crush’s publication, so Johnnie and June will be live on 10/17. Also, in honor of the first book I published, Jack and Crush will be free. I can’t wait!

Here’s the blurb for The Culling; Seismic Shift, Book Two:

When the tenuous peace between the pack and the coven is put to the test by the relationship between Farryn and Ash, the cost is their separation. It becomes a time when friendships are forged and broken, a time when discoveries of secrets, long held to protect reputations and indiscretions, are brought forth. Will relationships, legends, and secrets build or destroy those closest? Just how much should a couple be asked to pay to love one another? The Culling examines truths held and lies buried. There will be those within both realms of the supernatural that will survive the truth, but some will not be as fortunate.



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